Monday, August 31, 2015

Pentacles [Court Cards Included]

So...I apparently had a manic moment a few weeks ago as I wrote and shared 3 posts in 1 day. And every time I've tried to write since then I haven't felt peaceful enough to do so. These past 2 weeks have also been extremely busy as I have successfully moved and have started training at my new job.

I also generally prefer to pull cards alone; it just helps me concentrate and is a form of meditation for me. So going from having my own place for almost a year to being in a house/dorm of women and rooming with someone was a bit of a shock in that sense. Even if I felt confident in myself to draw a card, I didn't necessarily want an audience.

But I've gotten over that as my roommate is not 10 ft from me and I am here, with you, drawing my cards :)

Right off the bat, I pull a Goddess card. I did pull one right before I left, but did not have time to jot it down. I pulled Diana previously, which is all about aiming for your goals. She says Focused Intention at the top, and at the bottom, "Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings, and actions focused on your target, and you will make your mark." Now, today, I have pulled Aine; 'Leap of Faith.' Funnily enough, I saw her when I pulled Diana 2 weeks ago; I just took a peak at the deck before I pulled and there she was. So, here she is, saying Hi again. Underneath her it says, Take a risk, and put your heart's true desire into action!"

Although read 2 weeks apart, they can both be easily interpreted as me jumping into this new job in a new area without knowing anyone. And I was nervous, but I really am enjoying it. The job is easy (for me it's kind of old hat) and the people are nice.

I will say I love the imagery of Aine. I think that's why I remember seeing her 2 weeks ago. She's a pink and purple fairy diving into the sky with clouds and what looks like lightning glowing around her. She's gorgeous.

[Sorry she's blurry >.<  ]
 Now, onward to some pentacles! I'm gonna take a look through the handy dandy notebook Veronica Varlow gave during her Tarot Intensive (as of this date you can still sign up!!) as I look through all three of my decks to see what jumps at me. I will not be posting photos of every card (could you imagine? Whoa).

As always, all questions are paraphrased from the Witch Mama.

What can you start doing immediately to make your dream a reality?
I like to think I'm doing it! I'm training at my job and networking to hopefully move up the chain soon :)
 I do want to point out that in my Dreaming Way Tarot, my Pentacle is floating in midair above a field, much like the Hand of God in the R/W deck. In my Joie de Vivre deck, a pentacle is growing like a seed, feeding off love and stars, much like the seed VeVa said is the inspiration to start to grow whatever you desire. In my Erotique deck, it says "The Gift of Work in the World" and it shows a woman lounging with a large Pentacle that looks like a shield.

How can you improve the balance in your life? 
As I've stated before, I need more work than play, but when I play, I've got to play hard haha My ideal week would be most of the sunlight hours spent working, but spending any time with the moon with my friends or on my own relaxing. Since I'm just starting out, a lot of my time is spent training for my job and sleeping. I get the next two days off though so I'm excited to spend the time running around the parks.

Who would you love to collaborate with? What would you bring to the table?
I honestly don't know. I love people, but I have yet to find people that I would want to be on a working team with every time. No dream team for me yet. I, in general, bring logic and objectivity to any group setting, which is not always relished.

In my Dreaming Way Deck this card is hard to read as it just has 1 person staring out of the card, while three Pentacles fall. There is no feeling of teamwork for me in this image; maybe it's stating that you're lonely and need that team desperately?

Do you feel like you're holding too tightly to material things? Can you give anything away?
No...and yes. I've definitely figured out how to operate on less since I've been moving around lately, but I am a hoarder by nature. Lately, though, I think I am happy with what I've got and for the moment, I spend my money on experiences.

This card is about lacking in some way and not recognizing the good in your life. What are somethings you are grateful for?
I am grateful for my friends and the fact that I have these opportunities to travel and try new things at this time in my life. I'm glad I have family supporting me. Growing up I had one of the only "stable" families in my friend group and even now I know a lot people that don't have that support.

Seen Below: In the Erotiques deck, the Four says "Miserliness" and Five just says "Poverty" so those in succession always made me nervous. I'm glad I understand them more.

How can you give to make the world a better place? How can you open up to receiving life's gifts?
I think I am bad at both of these things. I love giving gifts to friends and family, but I don't think that necessarily means I am making the world a better place. I think I am giving of my time and I am interested in anything which means I am open to listening and sharing...but I don't know. I need to be more open to receiving in general, I think...
The Erotique deck has such a great photo. A woman tearing down her suspenders, holding them up by the straps like straight pimpin'. Underneath is says "Easy Money" haha Come at me Bro.

What are you proud of? What can you clear out to make more space for what you love? What else would you like to do?

I am proud of how far I've come this year. I think I've opened up to more people these last few months than I have in my previous 23 years. I am definitely still holding on to things, but it's getting easier to loosen my grip and to talk about them without getting upset (even though I've only skirted the subjects on here I think the blog has helped a lot). I would love to keep moving forward in my life.

At first I thought it was kind of strange/out of place, but I think the Dreaming Way tarot shows this card clearly. It shows a woman carrying six shopping bags with Pentacles on them, not really weighed down at all, just carrying them home. Her eyes, however, are looking over her shoulder, where there is a seventh Pentacle floating behind her. She seems to be evaluating what she can let go of in order to snatch a different Pentacle.

What do you love to do so much that you lose track of time?
Just crafts, really. I still have the idea of my shop floating in my head and I think that once I get settled back in my real life with all my machines and half finished projects I can really get a move on. I still have a lot to learn but am super excited about the idea :)

Joie de Vivre has a fox/wizard making a potion in the forest and he's wearing mismatched stockings and I think I love him <3

How do you spoil yourself?
I honestly just lounge around naked haha. Drink coffee, walk around, pull cards in long as I'm naked I just feel so comfortable while also feeling like I'm treating myself to a little naughty, or taboo time haha ;)

What has made you feel successful? What does that look like for you?
Well in true pentacle form, success looks like financial independence to me. I don't know why; I've been lucky and never really lacking (knock on wood), but I'd love to be able to solely rely on myself. And the completion of any project feels like a success to me. Like completing the pentacles tonight! I am such a procrastinator, that if I finish something on my own time (you know-not work or deadline related) then I feel awesome.

Erotiques looks so down with this card. One woman is staring knowingly into the camera while another is helping cover her nude body with a robe. The bottom says "Wealth Forever."

Note: The Court Cards have a similar meaning throughout the suits.

Page (Novice):
The Page is dreaming of ways to make that money! Learning and trying out new skills.
I think I am definitely still in the Novice stage. I know what I want, and while I am planning my moves, nothing is tangible yet. I can't wait to take that next step!

Knight (Lady):
This guy is one his way to making that dream a reality! He's on the horse and on the move.
I think I currently look up to anyone who embodies the Knight or Lady. It's hard to get out of that first stage, but once you get moving is when you're taking chances and really going for your dreams.
That 'On the horse' phrase makes me giggle because in Erotiques it just shows a woman lounging in bed with the phrase "She Earns her Way" haha Get it, girl.

Queen (Chatelaine):
The Queen is making sure your plans are being followed through. She is protecting this project of yours :)
The Queen/Chatelaine and Page/Novice are ones that I love deeply. It's the dreamer and the protector. I switch in and out of those roles fairly often and I get alone well with those who can relate to both of those sides.       *Erotiques straight up says "She Controls the Money."

King (Queen):
The King is owning this shit. You are there. Making that money and doing what you love!
 I find the King, the completer, hard to relate to at the moment. As I said, I'm a procrastinator so any small finish line is huge for me. While I know the King still works hard to keep what he's got, I just see him as someone who's figured it out (at least for now), and that's so not me right now.

Nighty night guys, love and luck as always,
Andy <3

Friday, August 14, 2015

Ryde or Die

When I was writing the first 2 Homework Set posts, I was in San Francisco visiting a friend with whom I've lost touch with over the years, but who has re-entered my life in a big way in the last few months.

While I was there, I got to know my friend's roommate, J, fairly well. He flashed me his phone at lunch one day and I saw the words "Ryde or Die" on his header. I mentioned it, and he said he didn't have a header and it definitely didn't say that, which confused me because I could have sworn that's what I saw. Anyway, I let it go; not that big a deal.

During my visit, I also got to know J's girlfriend. She Loves the Fast and Furious series, which I've actually never seen. She then told me she lives by the FF tagline, "Ride or Die" and that she has a hat with that slogan on it for when she needs a pick-me-up.

I didn't connect the two until later because, not only was I writing the homework sets in San Fran, but I was also watching my Parlour videos, some for the first time. And there again was the message; The Lovers: Ride or Die.

*mind explosion*

My friend and together during my time there. We've been talking pretty exclusively for a couple months now, but we both decided we shouldn't make anything of it, because we live across the country from one another, and I'm moving for a new job even further away for a couple months. But we said if I were to ever move closer, we would keep that in our back pocket.  We've already made plans to do a cross country road trip and steal all the dogs together. Even if it's just a lot of silly talk, it's so much fun to have these kinds of "plans."

I don't recall ever pulling The Lovers card, and in my homework set, when it asked who my Ride or Die buddies were, I said I didn't have any. Just because I've never quite felt that huge pull before. I have amazing friends, don't get me wrong, but I'm a fairly lone character, and I dig it that way.

But of course, the day I return home from my trip, Tuesday the 11th, who is there to greet me?

*trumpet noise* BUM BA DA DA!
"The Soul's Deepest Need" 

Regardless of how this shakes out, maybe he's my soul's bestie. At least for the time being. I mean, how often is it that two people will not talk for over 5 years, only to fly cross country to spend time together?

That's kind of fucking awesome.


So, for this post I also pulled a Goddess card. And I got Maeve AGAIN!
I don't know; I'm starting to think she likes me, guys.

She looks super relaxed, and dancing, like she's painting with her wand on the water.

I wonder what Cycles and Rhythms are coming for me...

Lots of Love,
Andy <3

Pick Three: Homework Set 2.5

Very simple assignment. Look through all your cards, and without necessarily looking for the names or meanings, pick 3 that call to you.

I looked through each card in the deck, setting aside all the ones that called to me in a pinch. Then from there, I looked through the actual photos, trying not to look at the name, and picked again until I got my three.

In the end, I actually ended up with four.

And they are........*drumroll*

VII The Chariot "Enjoy the Ride"
XIV Temperance "Love Transforms You"
8 of Pentacles "Apprenticeship"
II The Witch (High Priestess in more traditional decks) "Intuition will Reveal"

Now, The Witch was the cutoff. It was going to be just the three above her, but something was telling me not to put her away just yet.

Weirdly enough, I rarely pull any of these cards. I have pulled both the Chariot and Temperance before, but I think it was about two years ago when I first bought this deck. I thought hadn't pulled the 8 of Pentacles, but then I realized I've just never pulled it from this particular deck. This is the card I pulled and made a watercolor out of from my Dreaming Way Tarot.
It doesn't look like much, but it did help me remember the card.

After looking at just the three again, I realized that this was basically a reading. I'd just gone over the previous homeworks and learned what the Major Arcana meant so everything was still nice and fresh. 

The Chariot: I'm in control of my life and where I go from here.
Temperance: Balance is key to a happy and fulfilling life. 
8 of Pentacles: Apprenticeship, learning a new craft or skill.

I'm gonna sound like a broken record, but, I'm leaving soon to start a brand new job that I've been working towards for years. I'm finally getting to go where I want to go. And I keep referring to this new job as a paid vacation to my friends because the company is open basically 24/7 and I'm only going to work 40 hours a week. While I'm down there I have to learn how to function with only half of my week planned. Will I use my free time actually relaxing, or will I get another job like I've been thinking about? In my last post, when I went over the Temperance card, I said my perfect balance has more work than play. Maybe I'll learn to relax in the coming months; who knows? :)


Now. When I was mulling over the best way to pick three cards, and the fact that it should be based on artwork, not technically meaning, I realized that I now own three decks.

My Main deck is Le Tarot Des Femmes Erotiques, with whom I've bonded greatly. 
My second is The Dreaming Way Tarot, with whom I've got an amiable relationship. 
And my third and newest deck is the Joie De Vivre tarot, which I just picked up on Monday on my last day of vacation! I opened her tonight specifically so I could do this...

I was going to discard immediate meanings, and pick one card from each deck so that I could see what was currently calling me without worrying about the artwork because they would all be different.

And THAT'S why I was holding on to my Witchy mama. She wasn't in my three, because she was my one; my individual.

I opened Joie de Vivre after setting aside my Femmes, and then looked through Dreaming Way.

Joie De Vivre,      Le Tarot Des Femmes Erotiques,      Dreaming Way

And who's that I see? Why, it's The High Priestess, the 'normal' equivalent to my Witch. And next? The Magician, of course!

Looks like I've got my two mystical parents looking over me this late night. I've got all the skills and drive I need to dance my way towards my heart's desire.

Have a lovely night,
Andy <3

Communing with Cards: Homework Set 2

*All questions courtesy of Veronica Varlow's Tarot Intensive*

13. Death
Did you have any experiences that felt like death, but were actually new beginnings?
I think all endings feel that way. A lot of people, including myself, hate change and it's scary! I had a relationship change a while back and I'm still in the process of figuring out how to make my life more full and rich.

14. Temperance
What would be an ideal balance in your life?
I feel like balance isn't always 50/50, and people forget that. I definitely need more work than play. I often forget to balance the two, and play goes completely away. I just need to remind myself to add it in, as having some is important and it would minimize stress without making me feel off kilter.

15. The Devil
What did you do to move past negative obsessions? What helped you move on?
I think that I am sometimes too logical. I know, in my heart, that I am an addictive personality, so I know right off the bat not to try things or start something, or I will be hooked. So I try in general to nip that type of thing in the bud. However, when it comes to friends and relationships, I do sometimes get into an unhealthy situation and my friends and past experiences are what helps me out of it.

16. The Tower
Has something fundamental crashed down around you, only for you to realize it was for the best in the long run?
Yes, the same relationship that I referred to with the Death card. It impacted, and still is impacting my life, but it is good that it happened early on, when my life is so fluid, rather than it happening later. I'm still recovering, but I realize that I'm lucky. And the friends that I mentioned in the Devil are what and who are constantly helping me to move forward.

17. The Star
What do you hope for in the future? What are some tricks to keep from giving up on your dreams?
I want to run my own company one day selling my crafts and potions and scrubs. I keep working for that time, and even when it looks like it's far away, I just remind myself that I am working towards getting the time and money I need to get started.

18. The Moon
What are the last 3 dreams you remember having? What mysteries lie in your subconscious?
Haha welllll my dreams that aren't prophetic are always crazy fever dreams. This is gonna be a long ass answer, because my dreams are always weirdly detailed...hold up
-Last night, me and my friend we talking about somehow being addicted to Candy? Or not knowing why people craved it? I don't know, why but I guess I thought the answer was in the Mandy Moore song, Candy? Because I was like, you know, like Candy. And I started singing the chorus to him; not belting it out, just kind of quietly singing him the lyrics like ya do. Then he told me I was  good singer.....
 -Thursday night, I dreamt that I was going to a hotel with one of my old friends from college. It was super busy because there was a convention going on and we didn't know it. We ended up getting separated and I remember our room number was something like 9450-something something. When I got lost trying to find the room, I ended up alllll the way down the hall at 9458-something something so I had to back track. I found my room and then I was apparently going to the convention? Which had shooting games/exhibitions? I've never fired a gun before, by the way. Everyone was dressed in white from head to toe in what looked like radioactive suits, except for me and a different friend from high school. We were wearing that, but with Kevlar vests over them. We were shooting at each other, through crowds, trying to hit each other only on the vests. We each hit each other in the back of the pants leg, leaving holes, but no injuries. Then I realize he was wearing one of my pairs of pants and that I had just ruined two pairs. And yes, that was my dream.
-I know I've had a dream just as crazy as the one just listed within the last month or so, but I can't remember it. Besides that, there was a semi normal dream I recorded in my Good Morning post from May.
Enjoy my nutty subconscious, guys.

19. The Sun
What makes you light up?
Redundant at this point, but creating. It makes me so much happier than anything else.
*as a side note, I don't normally pull this card, and I did during Veronica's Tuesday Instagram reading. Horray for a shining week!

20. Judgment (Rebirth)
What are your A-Ha moments? What are you most proud of so far?
I'm proud of the fact that I jumped ship my senior year of college to follow my heart and change majors during my last semester. That was a big a-ha moment; I just knew I wouldn't be happy if I followed through with that degree. Now I'm proud that even though it's taken a few extra years, I have jobs in my chosen field and I enjoy them :)

21. The World
Name 3 things you are proud of. You got this.
- I'm proud that I went on a spontanious trip across the country
- I've started the bones of my online store. Even though I'm not currently selling what I want, I can use this to figure out how to best work the online platform, shipping and pricing.
- I got accepted into a small working program for a company I've been trying to work with for years and I'm flying down there in 2 weeks!

Love always,
Andy <3

Monday, August 10, 2015

Communing with Cards: Homework Set 1

*All questions courtesy of Veronica Varlow's Tarot Intensive*

0. The Fool
When was the last time you threw yourself into something new and said, 'fuck it'?
It was about a week or two ago, right around this assignment started! I had 3 weeks to kill and no plans so I decided to run off to another coast and see if I could make a life out here. To be determined.

1. The Magician
Have you ever had a 'supernatural' experience?
I feel like I have...but I can't remember?
What is your own form of magic?
Making things; I love to create. I also am very intuitive and people tend to share intimate things with me.

2. The High Priestess (The Witch)
What do you feel you may have been in a past life? What are magical mysteries you have yet to discover?
In one of Veronica's previous classes, we took a quiz about who we may have been in our past lives. I may have been a voodoo woman as I love to create and solve problems through making things with nature.
Do you attach anyone specific to this card?
As Veronica cultivates the magic in all of us, I would have to say she is our High Priestess.

3. The Empress (The Goddess)
When was the last time you let yourself create without judgment?
It's been a really long time, sadly. I've been creating and enjoying my creations, but the last time I think I made something without judgment was when I was painting. I would love to work on that more.

4. The Emperor (The Abbess)
What can you benefit from being more scheduled? What can you schedule now to make things easier for you later?
I can/should schedule a lot of things. I am a person who is most productive when there is a deadline, more specifically, a every tight deadline and when I'm already bombarded with 18 other projects. I need to be busy to do things, otherwise I am a sloth. I always try to schedule non-work things into a tight group so I can trick myself into being productive...but it has yet to work. I need some Dom in my life.

5. The Hierophant (The Shaman)
What do you need a teacher for? What can you teach others?
Creating everything! I never want to stop learning how to improve myself in that aspect and learn from others, but I think it's one of the things I can teach as well.

6. The Lovers
Who is that person in your life who is truly ride or die?
No one currently. I have amazing friends, but no one that I would completely associate that with.

7. The Chariot
How can you be more 'in the driver's seat' of your own life?
I think I am already pretty in control of my life. I just need to make the effort to do what I want to do, rather than what I think I should.

8 (or 11). Strength
When have you shown inner strength and overcome obstacles in your way?
The first thing that comes to mind is my previous job. I really didn't like it when I first started and was considering quitting but made myself power through and ended up having a really rewarding experience.

9. The Hermit
The Hermit wants you to disconnect with the world so you can connect with yourself. What do you do to meditate and create peace of mind?
This card is always hidden for me. I rarely pull the hermit; I feel like in general I am fairly introspective so I don't usually need a reminder to look inside myself for calm and peace. However; I have started an unedited journal lately to help keep track of my thoughts and also to help in connection to writing this blog.

10. The Wheel of Fortune (The Wheel)
When has your luck suddenly changed for the better?
My luck (and life) has been going through a lot of changes recently. I am currently on a vacation I wouldn't have imaged 2 months ago and am on my way to move to a brand new and tropical state for a job I have been trying to land for years!

11 (or 8). Justice
What dream have you been working towards? Is there something more you can be doing?
There's always something more I could be doing! Like I said above, I work best when I'm already busy so right now I'm not doing much, but I am trying to write more, journal and organize my thoughts and what I want.

12. The Hanged Man (The Fairy)
What have you had blinders on for? What could you use a new perspective on?
 I like to think I rarely have on blinders. I like to try to see things from every logical angle. But that right there may be the rub, I need to try to think more with my feelings sometimes.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Respecting the Moon and her Cycles

Tuesday the 4th, at 12:08am I pulled my first tarot cards in Far too long.
I have been a part of Veronica Varlow's Tarot Intensive course, but am sorry to say I have not been keeping up with my homework or even the classes. I have been out of state every week since it started, and 5 different cities. While I wish I have been a better student, I do love watching everyone else progress and learn. It's a lot of fun to interact with people that are learning at a similar pace as you, and since I'm one of the few that have experience reading (simply meaning that I have been looking to cards for a while and am self taught), I still get to throw in my two cents along the way.

On Tuesday when I pulled cards in the early morning, The Moon slipped right off the top of the deck while I was trying to decide how to feel the shuffle. The Moon is a gorgeous card in most decks, but I adore the woman in mine. She is sitting with her knees up, angled away from me, lifting a sheer white curtain around her backside. Breathtaking and playful. Underneath she says there is "A Turning in the Journey."
Since I didn't quite feel she was my card, but more of a guide, I shuffled and pulled. Who was there to greet me? But the Queen of Swords of course! My number one lady and clearly a magnet card for me. She once again tells me "She Thinks the Unthinkable." My strong, logically lady telling me I am behind and need to get my shit sorted.
So here I am, two days later, on a different coast, trying to get my shit sorted.
I also wanted to say that this morning, before my flight, I pulled a Goddess Card, which I haven't done in an even longer time than the tarot.
This morning I pulled Maeve; the very first Goddess I pulled with my deck.
Underneath her dancing form it says, "Honor the cycles of your body, energy levels, and emotions." I think that while she was saying it's okay not to have kept up; lately I've been meaning to but have had a feeling of ick I didn't want on my cards, it is about that time to get over it, and get my bum back in gear.
Basically, everyone's telling me I gottta werk, bitch.
I want to shout out to VeVa again because she has started an instagram pull where she has 3 cards, you choose whichever one you feel drawn to, and then she posts a reveal. So cool; she's awesome. So I found out I was drawn to the Fool, which is kind of a hidden card for me. I'm a big planner, and while intuitive, I dislike not knowing what I'm doing. But I am now on the opposite coast for the first time in years, taking a spontaneous journey to see someone I haven't seen since high school! All planned within the past week!

She also did an August read for all the Zodiac signs which was spot on as usual. Tying in with my "logical, needs structure" type of life, I am a Capricorn and she pulled 3 of Wands for us.  That card, as stated in her video is all about rocking your shit OUT, traveling maybe, working hard and getting to where you want to be! Again, I am on a brand new trip this very second, but I am also moving to a completely different area for a new job before the month is out. It's a place I've been trying to get a job at for 4 YEARS and it's happening now, this August. Much love to Veronica Varlow and that lady's Danger Diary.

You can find those videos and by extension, the rest of her blog right here!
Lots of love and luck,
Andy <3