So...I apparently had a manic moment a few weeks ago as I wrote and shared 3 posts in 1 day. And every time I've tried to write since then I haven't felt peaceful enough to do so. These past 2 weeks have also been extremely busy as I have successfully moved and have started training at my new job.
I also generally prefer to pull cards alone; it just helps me concentrate and is a form of meditation for me. So going from having my own place for almost a year to being in a house/dorm of women and rooming with someone was a bit of a shock in that sense. Even if I felt confident in myself to draw a card, I didn't necessarily want an audience.
But I've gotten over that as my roommate is not 10 ft from me and I am here, with you, drawing my cards :)
Right off the bat, I pull a Goddess card. I did pull one right before I left, but did not have time to jot it down. I pulled Diana previously, which is all about aiming for your goals. She says Focused Intention at the top, and at the bottom, "Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings, and actions focused on your target, and you will make your mark." Now, today, I have pulled Aine; 'Leap of Faith.' Funnily enough, I saw her when I pulled Diana 2 weeks ago; I just took a peak at the deck before I pulled and there she was. So, here she is, saying Hi again. Underneath her it says, Take a risk, and put your heart's true desire into action!"
Although read 2 weeks apart, they can both be easily interpreted as me jumping into this new job in a new area without knowing anyone. And I was nervous, but I really am enjoying it. The job is easy (for me it's kind of old hat) and the people are nice.
I will say I love the imagery of Aine. I think that's why I remember seeing her 2 weeks ago. She's a pink and purple fairy diving into the sky with clouds and what looks like lightning glowing around her. She's gorgeous.
[Sorry she's blurry >.< ] |
As always, all questions are paraphrased from the Witch Mama.
What can you start doing immediately to make your dream a reality?
I like to think I'm doing it! I'm training at my job and networking to hopefully move up the chain soon :)
I do want to point out that in my Dreaming Way Tarot, my Pentacle is floating in midair above a field, much like the Hand of God in the R/W deck. In my Joie de Vivre deck, a pentacle is growing like a seed, feeding off love and stars, much like the seed VeVa said is the inspiration to start to grow whatever you desire. In my Erotique deck, it says "The Gift of Work in the World" and it shows a woman lounging with a large Pentacle that looks like a shield.
How can you improve the balance in your life?
As I've stated before, I need more work than play, but when I play, I've got to play hard haha My ideal week would be most of the sunlight hours spent working, but spending any time with the moon with my friends or on my own relaxing. Since I'm just starting out, a lot of my time is spent training for my job and sleeping. I get the next two days off though so I'm excited to spend the time running around the parks.
Who would you love to collaborate with? What would you bring to the table?
I honestly don't know. I love people, but I have yet to find people that I would want to be on a working team with every time. No dream team for me yet. I, in general, bring logic and objectivity to any group setting, which is not always relished.
In my Dreaming Way Deck this card is hard to read as it just has 1 person staring out of the card, while three Pentacles fall. There is no feeling of teamwork for me in this image; maybe it's stating that you're lonely and need that team desperately?
Do you feel like you're holding too tightly to material things? Can you give anything away?
No...and yes. I've definitely figured out how to operate on less since I've been moving around lately, but I am a hoarder by nature. Lately, though, I think I am happy with what I've got and for the moment, I spend my money on experiences.
This card is about lacking in some way and not recognizing the good in your life. What are somethings you are grateful for?
I am grateful for my friends and the fact that I have these opportunities to travel and try new things at this time in my life. I'm glad I have family supporting me. Growing up I had one of the only "stable" families in my friend group and even now I know a lot people that don't have that support.
Seen Below: In the Erotiques deck, the Four says "Miserliness" and Five just says "Poverty" so those in succession always made me nervous. I'm glad I understand them more.
How can you give to make the world a better place? How can you open up to receiving life's gifts?
I think I am bad at both of these things. I love giving gifts to friends and family, but I don't think that necessarily means I am making the world a better place. I think I am giving of my time and I am interested in anything which means I am open to listening and sharing...but I don't know. I need to be more open to receiving in general, I think...
The Erotique deck has such a great photo. A woman tearing down her suspenders, holding them up by the straps like straight pimpin'. Underneath is says "Easy Money" haha Come at me Bro.
What are you proud of? What can you clear out to make more space for what you love? What else would you like to do?
I am proud of how far I've come this year. I think I've opened up to more people these last few months than I have in my previous 23 years. I am definitely still holding on to things, but it's getting easier to loosen my grip and to talk about them without getting upset (even though I've only skirted the subjects on here I think the blog has helped a lot). I would love to keep moving forward in my life.
At first I thought it was kind of strange/out of place, but I think the Dreaming Way tarot shows this card clearly. It shows a woman carrying six shopping bags with Pentacles on them, not really weighed down at all, just carrying them home. Her eyes, however, are looking over her shoulder, where there is a seventh Pentacle floating behind her. She seems to be evaluating what she can let go of in order to snatch a different Pentacle.
What do you love to do so much that you lose track of time?
Just crafts, really. I still have the idea of my shop floating in my head and I think that once I get settled back in my real life with all my machines and half finished projects I can really get a move on. I still have a lot to learn but am super excited about the idea :)
Joie de Vivre has a fox/wizard making a potion in the forest and he's wearing mismatched stockings and I think I love him <3
How do you spoil yourself?
I honestly just lounge around naked haha. Drink coffee, walk around, pull cards in long as I'm naked I just feel so comfortable while also feeling like I'm treating myself to a little naughty, or taboo time haha ;)
What has made you feel successful? What does that look like for you?
Well in true pentacle form, success looks like financial independence to me. I don't know why; I've been lucky and never really lacking (knock on wood), but I'd love to be able to solely rely on myself. And the completion of any project feels like a success to me. Like completing the pentacles tonight! I am such a procrastinator, that if I finish something on my own time (you know-not work or deadline related) then I feel awesome.
Erotiques looks so down with this card. One woman is staring knowingly into the camera while another is helping cover her nude body with a robe. The bottom says "Wealth Forever."
Note: The Court Cards have a similar meaning throughout the suits.
Page (Novice):
The Page is dreaming of ways to make that money! Learning and trying out new skills.
I think I am definitely still in the Novice stage. I know what I want, and while I am planning my moves, nothing is tangible yet. I can't wait to take that next step!
Knight (Lady):
This guy is one his way to making that dream a reality! He's on the horse and on the move.
I think I currently look up to anyone who embodies the Knight or Lady. It's hard to get out of that first stage, but once you get moving is when you're taking chances and really going for your dreams.
That 'On the horse' phrase makes me giggle because in Erotiques it just shows a woman lounging in bed with the phrase "She Earns her Way" haha Get it, girl.
Queen (Chatelaine):
The Queen is making sure your plans are being followed through. She is protecting this project of yours :)
The Queen/Chatelaine and Page/Novice are ones that I love deeply. It's the dreamer and the protector. I switch in and out of those roles fairly often and I get alone well with those who can relate to both of those sides. *Erotiques straight up says "She Controls the Money."
King (Queen):
The King is owning this shit. You are there. Making that money and doing what you love!
I find the King, the completer, hard to relate to at the moment. As I said, I'm a procrastinator so any small finish line is huge for me. While I know the King still works hard to keep what he's got, I just see him as someone who's figured it out (at least for now), and that's so not me right now.
Nighty night guys, love and luck as always,
Andy <3