Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wands! [Court Card Included]



Let's get to it!

*cue six hour break for poor food choices and bathing*

What new creativity do you want to bring into your life?
All of the creativity! Once again, my online store is in it's infancy. I keep getting more and more ideas and practical ways to start it up, which is really cool.
I love this woman. So damn sexual and passionate. "The Gift of Passionate Power," you better believe it. Look at her lounging, and just soaking up all that goodness!

What does holding the world in the palm of your hand mean to you?
Me, living alone or with a good friend, where we create everyday. I want a magical room for spells and for sewing. Making a living, or a profitable hobby out of my crafts.

What steps can you take to make the above dream a reality?
I keep feeling like I can't do anything while I'm away from home and not making much money, but I guess all the research I've been doing counts as a step towards my dreams. I hope to take physical steps sooner rather than later.

What can you celebrate RIGHT NOW?
My job! I am enjoying it way more than I thought I would when I first got my assignment and I am super grateful.
I dig these Femmes because, while most decks show a family, or an inner child scenario, this just shows two people who care for each other. Underneath is says "Completion." Maybe you completed the next step in your powerful, passionate journey! Maybe you're just at peace with your bestie and can rest while it's all good. You choose.

When have you felt you were in competition with other people in your life?
Not often, honestly, which is really nice. Maybe it's because I think with my head more than my heart (Capricorn), that I don't often find myself in competition with others. I definitely get into arguments for the same reason, but I rarely view it as it's them or me.
I really like all these cards, because once again, I think they show difference aspects of a conflict. In the Joie de Vivre tarot, you see this random guy with a dragon? on his head facing off against a tree! What? If you look closely, neither one looks particularly angry, just kind of annoyed they have to go through this Again. Like, come on man, are you kidding me? Just let me by! In Femmes, a woman is tied with a pearl chain, and she says "Strife." She doesn't look hurt, just stuck and inconvenienced. Maybe she's trapped herself with her thoughts? Maybe someone she trusted decided to get ahead and leave her in the dust. Then there's Dreaming Way, which I think it the most clear, but also the most silly. Maybe it's the hats, but they just remind me of young boys at a birthday party fighting over a toy or party game. They're all arguing and that guy in the middle looks super exasperated. Again, not angry, just kind of flustered, like, Come on guys! It's MY birthday! Give it!

When did you last OWN THAT SHIT?
I guess these past few months job hopping around. I was actually thinking about this earlier today; even though I don't currently have a "real" or "adult" job for all the schooling I've done, I feel like I've proven a lot of my naysayers wrong. I've wanted to work for my current company since at least 2010 and at the time I had a lot of toxic professors who didn't believe in me and made that fact known. They said I wouldn't be successful in my field and that I wouldn't be able to work in high end arenas or at this company unless I did everything the way they wanted me to. Instead I took the leap to leave them behind, worked for a number of higher end companies and finally snagged the job I've wanted for years.

When was a time you held your ground to get what you wanted out of life?
I guess the above is a pretty good example of that. At the time, it felt like I was folding, like I was proving my awful professors right by leaving their school, but looking back, I knew that they couldn't give me what I wanted, or support me how I needed, so I stood by my goals and won in the end.

I really like this card from Dreaming Way, because instead of it looking like a "King of the Hill" situation like i the other decks, this chick looks like she is POLE VAULTING over her competition. Nope, I'm out! Peace!

Do you believe in signs? Have you ever received any powerful ones?
Yes, I definitely do. I'm pretty sure that I have, but I'm honestly in a bit of fuzz right now and can't think of a specific moment. I don't see this as a sign of anything in particular, but I do want to share that I was visited by my spirit animal yesterday. Which is really weird as this specific spirit animal is a Sting Ray. I took VeVa's spirit animal guide Parlour way back when and for my water element, I kept thinking of a sting ray, which I found very strange at the time. I assumed it would be something a little more mainstream(?) like a turtle, or even a mermaid! But a Sting Ray kept coming to me. Then, yesterday, I went to a fancy restaurant that had a huge aquarium inside, and we were seated right by the tank! About halfway through our meal, one of the larger Sting Rays floated on down and laid right next to use for at least 10 minutes. I was so happy and giggly the whole time. He was super cute.

I've pointed this little guy out before. He's just so dang cute! He's taking his shining light and his awesome skills and setting a rocket for success! Things aren't working out? No worries, he'll find his own creative space.

When has something taken a lot of effort and fight, but worked out for you in the end?
My job! Again! 

I really love guy. Look at everything he's been through! He's got scars, even an eye-patch! But what else does he have? Love and energy shining through his heart; a tree of progress in his belly; and a wicked smile saying he's not done just yet!

What cures you of stress? 
This; hanging out, relaxing, taking me time. I am someone that works best when super busy, so that sometimes means I forget to do anything else. I need to be more aware of my body and its limits sometimes.

Note: The Court Cards have a similar meaning throughout the suits.

Page (Novice)
This guy is getting his creative juices flowing. Can't wait to explode with awesome maker energy!
I think I am constantly 'stuck' at the Page stage. I am always planning, but need to work at getting better at doing. I have so many ideas, so many passions, once I start I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop!
I really dig all of these guys.  The bunny from Joie de Vivre is ABOUT IT. Fuck someone else throwing him a parade, he IS THE PARADE and he's gonna rock his newest passion! My Femmes lady just says "Catalyst" and is ready to start working! Then there's calm Dreaming Way. She's got water/intuition galore and is super zen. She is alive with thoughts of love.

Knight (Lady)
Make your passion a reality! No one can stop you once you get moving!

Queen (Chatelaine)
This mama is protecting your fire. Let the knight and your projects flourish, the mama will make sure your haters never get near enough to extinguish your flame!
I look up to this lady so much. She is amazing, and willing to help you out anyway she can.
I really enjoy that all of the Queens have a major earthy feel. They're all about nurturing and growing your passion so that it can get to it's beautiful conclusion. Even Femmes, which just has two woman speaking softly says, "Friend of Women." While that might not seem all that intriguing, I think the women look like muses and they're discussing your future and the amazing things you're gonna create.

King (Queen)
Man, that project is BOMB! You pulled it off so well and everyone's impressed. You're owning that shit like Beyonce would want you to.

Lots of Love,
Andy <3

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